Alisha Harrison was 32 weeks pregnant when she found out she had breast cancer.Alisha and her partner, Metin Salih, live in Sydney, Australia, and have been together for years. They each had three children of their own when they began dating, and they spent quite some time trying to conceive their first child together. When Alisha finally became pregnant, she had some complications, but the situation began to stabilize around 26 weeks. The couple looked forward to meeting their son.But six weeks later, she was told she had breast cancer.Photo: Facebook/Metin Metz Salih
She was diagnosed with aggressive stage III cancer. A cyst that she had been told was harmless 18 months earlier turned out to actually be cancerous.She was devastated, but she pushed forward. She had a mastectomy almost immediately, at 33 weeks, while still pregnant.Then at 35 weeks, she had a C-section. Her son Isaac was born, beautiful and healthy.Photo: GoFundMe/Help Alisha live her dreamsChemo was supposed to begin three weeks later. However, Alisha got more bad news.“With the challenges of six kids, now seven, raising a newborn and trying to manage your health, you would think that would be enough,” a GoFundMe for Alisha reads.“Alisha has now been hit with more bad news. The cancer is stage four and has become metastatic and spread to her liver. Basically it’s the end of the line and 90 per cent of metastatic cancers end in death.”
Photo: GoFundMe/Help Alisha live her dreamsAlisha decided to make a bucket list of all the things she wanted to accomplish, including taking the family on their first overseas trip to Fiji or Bali. They were able to do that thanks to the generosity of Today, an Australian news program.Another item on her bucket list was marrying Metin. Soon that wish came true as well!Metin surprised Alisha with a 30th birthday party. During the party, she was blindfolded and led to the front of the room. When the blindfold was removed, he got down on one knee and proposed. She immediately said yes and the whole room started cheering and clapping.