Palliative and supportive care plays an important role in caring for children with cancer. Through palliative and supportive care, children and their families receive help with managing the various side effects of cancer and its treatment, including its physical, emotional, social, and financial effects.
In this podcast, Abby Rosenberg, MD, MS, MA, discusses what parents should know about pediatric palliative and supportive care, including what it is, what to expect when meeting with the palliative and supportive care team, and how this type of care helps support children with cancer and their families.
What is palliative and supportive care? [01:47]
How is palliative and supportive care different than hospice or end-of-life care? [03:20]
How can parents know if their child is ready to receive palliative and supportive care? [04:04]
How does the palliative and supportive care team provide support for children with cancer? [04:46]
What should parents and their children expect when meeting with members of the palliative and supportive care team? [05:41]
Does palliative and supportive care also include support for the parents and family members of children with cancer? If so, what does this support look like? [07:00]
Dr. Rosenberg is the chief of pediatric palliative care at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Rosenberg has no relationships relevant to this content to disclose.
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