June 25, 2018, by NCI Staff

Credit: National Cancer Institute
NCI’s collection of cancer information products is constantly growing, so periodically we provide updates on new and updated content of interest to the cancer community.
New Video Explains Different Types of Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer. This animation explains three types of immunotherapy used to treat cancer: nonspecific immune stimulation, T-cell transfer therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Infographic Explains NCI Formulary
This new infographic helps explain the NCI Formulary, a public–private partnership between NCI and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that provides NCI-funded institutions rapid access to therapies for use in cancer clinical trials or laboratory research.
New Videos: Glioblastoma Clinical Trial
NCI’s Center for Cancer Research (CCR) serves as the lead institution for the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative (BTTC), a group of researchers and institutions dedicated to finding better therapies for the treatment of patients with brain tumors. The BTTC page now features a pair of videos about one of the collaborative’s clinical trials.
New Video: The Cancer Genome Atlas Legacy
This video celebrates the accomplishments and contributions of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a landmark program in cancer genomics. As the TCGA program ends, the video relives the driving forces behind the program’s creation, innovations employed in its execution, and major impacts the program has had on cancer research.
Rare Cancer Statistics | Did You Know? Video
This new video from NCI explains why more than 500 cancer types are considered “rare,” as well as the incidence and survival trends for these rare cancers.
Infographic Illustrates Genetic Changes and Cancer
Mutations in certain genes can cause normal tissue to become cancerous. This new infographic illustrates how genes make proteins and describes the types of genetic mutations that may lead to cancer.
Eating Hints Publication Updated
The updated publication Eating Hints: Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment explains why people undergoing treatment for cancer may have eating problems, identifies the types of eating problems they might encounter, and suggests ways to manage them.
Latest issue of DCEG Linkage newsletter available
NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) has published the latest issue of its Linkage newsletter. The issue features Of Microbes and Men: Advancing Epidemiologic Research on the Human Microbiome and an article on medical radiation exposures and thyroid cancer, by DCEG’s Cari Kitahara, Ph.D. The issue includes highlights on the latest scientific publications and updates on staff achievements, including recognition of DCEG founding director Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., M.D., by NIH’s scientific directors.
New in Visuals Online
NCI’s Visuals Online website has added more than 50 new images since the beginning of 2018, including factoids from the Annual Report to the Nation, new anatomical drawings of cancer at various stages and locations, and new infographics.
New Animation: Paying for Clinical Trials
The latest in NCI’s series of videos about clinical trials, this animation explains the different types of costs related to taking part in a clinical trial and who is expected to pay for which costs.
Rectal Cancer and Adult Brain Tumor Facebook Live Videos
On March 29, NCI hosted a Facebook Live event on rectal cancer, which included a discussion on current treatments and ongoing research. The event featured Carmen Allegra, M.D., of NCI’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) and University of Florida Health; Deborah Schrag, M.D., M.P.H., of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; and Andrea Denicoff, R.N., M.S., also of CTEP.
And on May 25, NCI conducted a Facebook Live event about adult brain and spine cancers with Mark Gilbert, M.D., and Terri Armstrong, Ph.D., of NCI’s Neuro-Oncology Branch. The event was moderated by David Arons, chief executive officer of the National Brain Tumor Society.
Fact Sheets Revised
NCI’s nearly 100 fact sheets address a wide array of cancer topics, including risk factors, prevention, treatment, and supportive care. Several of these fact sheets have been revised recently, including:
Cancer Disparities Content Updated
The term “cancer disparities” refers to differences in cancer outcomes (for example, number of cancer cases, related health complications) across population groups. NCI has recently updated its information about cancer disparities.
New Resource on Access to Experimental Cancer Drugs
A new page explains the different ways cancer patients can get access to experimental drugs that have been approved for testing in humans but cannot yet be advertised, sold, or prescribed.
Updates to Stories of Discovery
The Stories of Discovery highlight NCI’s role in landmark developments in cancer prevention and treatment. Over the past few months, NCI has updated several of these articles, including:
Cancer Statistics Overview Updated
Cancer statistics are used to describe cancer’s population-wide impact and provide a picture in time of the burden of cancer on society. NCI has updated its overview of cancer statistics with new data from the institute’s most recent SEER Cancer Statistics Review.
Emergency Resources for the Cancer Community
Natural or manmade disasters can disrupt care for cancer patients in the affected communities. NCI has updated its resources for cancer patients, health care providers, and cancer researchers affected by these emergencies.