Jeremiah has been battling High Risk Stage IV Neuroblastoma Cancer for over a year. At only 5 years old, he has suffered through more and has had to fight harder than most adults in their lifetime. However, Jeremiah and his family have recently received the incredible news that his cancer is in remission. Though he will need to continue with treatments to prevent a relapse, his community wanted to celebrate this immense improvement — and they went all out.

Jeremiah has always dreamed of one day becoming a police officer. So, the North Miami Police Department pulled out all the stops and created a stupendous swearing-in ceremony. First, Jeremiah was given an official NMPD uniform and became the youngest officer to be sworn in, thanks to Chief Larry Juriga. He then drove around in his Spiderman Police Motorcycle and even got to ride on a Police Horse.

The community followed up with a party at Hero’s Hangout Childhood Cancer Haven — a safe play area where children with cancer can be free to play, craft, and just be kids, without having to worry about their illness. “When the kids come in, there’s no cost to the families whatsoever for anything here or to attend, and they can take home as many toys as they want,” said Silvia Dominguez-Vanni, co-founder of the organization. “It’s a really fun and magical place to forget what they’re going through each and every day.”

The combined efforts of NMPD, Hero’s Hangout, and charity organization Mystic Force Foundation allowed Jeremiah to celebrate his incredible victory in a massive way. Although Jeremiah and his family still have a long journey ahead, he will always have this incredible memory to look back on fondly and know with confidence that his community is behind him.

Be sure to check out Mystic Force Foundation’s official Facebook page to see more of the good work this charity organization is doing. If you’d like to make an impact in a child in need’s life, consider this gift that gives more.
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