Jill Volarich has already donated over 750 homemade items to charities benefiting the homeless, bullying prevention, cancer patients, and her community, and she has no plans of stopping anytime soon.

Volarich began crocheting when she was in college and has been doing it for more than 30 years. She brings her hook and yarn everywhere she goes and uses all of her free time to make different items, including hats, headbands, blankets, scarves, and cup cozies.


Although crocheting has always been a hobby for her, she decided to make it her mission to use her talent to help others.

At first she started giving things away since she loves to create so much. She found different organizations that support the homeless, children, and cancer patients. She also gave items to her community for fundraisers and events that they have to give back.


She began crocheting hats for an anti-bullying campaign called Hat Not Hate. The organization asked knitters, crocheters, and boomers to make handmade blue hates to donate to their cause. They distribute the hats to schools across the country for students to wear, empowering them to stand up to bullying.

Volarich hopes her passion for crocheting and her mission to give to those in need will inspire others to use their passions to help others.


Volarich posts her creations on her Facebook page, as well as on her Instagram.

Hear more of Volarich’s story in the video below:

Provide Mammograms

Support those fighting Breast Cancer at The Breast Cancer Site for free!

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