Over the past 20 years, GreaterGood has raised $60 million for charity. To celebrate this milestone, and the impact we’ve had on lives around the world, GreaterGood.com is relaunching with a fresh look and renewed purpose.Previously, every click of the button on GreaterGood.com supported a rotating roster of hand-picked programs that changed every few days. Now your clicks will funnel support into our 24 Signature Programs, which are the most impactful programs and partnerships we offer.Your daily clicks change lives and help our world, and we are so grateful for your support. Please join us in our renewed commitment to helping people, pets, and the planet.Photo: GreaterGood
One of GreaterGood’s Signature Programs is providing support to people when disaster strikes.Natural disasters don’t discriminate, and they seem to be getting worse as the years march on. They strike with little to no warning, and can displace tens of thousands of people. When people lose their homes and businesses, they often don’t know where to turn.Shelters provide much-needed help to people in crises. However, they quickly begin to overflow when natural disasters strike. The need for food, medical care, a clean place to stay, and other basic necessities skyrocket.Photo: GreaterGood
GreaterGood.org’s Disaster Response program offers swift, effective assistance to people who have been affected by natural disasters all over the world. Because of direct donations and your daily clicks at GreaterGood.com, people who are suddenly displaced, scared, and uncertain about their next meal can get the support they desperately need.This program has been able to help people after floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other catastrophic events. Together, we’ve provided supplies, food, medicine, and cash to those affected by natural disasters like Hurricane Dorian, and we’ve been able to support first-responders who are often risking their own lives to save others.When natural disasters hit, things aren’t fixed in a day. The event is usually followed by months of difficulty, recovery, and attempts to rebuild.Photo: GreaterGood
Natural disasters will always be a part of our lives, and GreaterGood.org will always be there to help bring relief to its victims. Survivors shouldn’t have to wait to pick up the pieces.You can become a first-responder for survivors of natural disasters around the world by donating or clicking today.Your donation will fund emergency recovery and rebuilding response for victims of natural disasters.Source