Victoria Glosson has always been a fighter. She enrolled in nursing school so she could fight and advocate for those in need, and the underserved communities that sometimes face discrimination in the healthcare field. She never anticipated, however, that she would be facing a battle of her own before her journey as a nurse had even begun.
At the end of her third semester of nursing school, Victoria was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Despite her rigorous studies, she persevered with nursing school, often times studying and completing coursework while undergoing chemotherapy.

“I was determined to get through,” Victoria said. “I had to get Neulasta shots after chemotherapy to keep my white blood cell counts up. Those shots hurt, and it was like every bit of your bones were breaking. At times, my dad would have to drive me to clinical… I had to be strong so the patients I was taking care of didn’t see my pain.” By May of 2020, Victoria’s hardwork and dedication paid off, as she successfully passed nursing school and became an official Registered Nurse.

Victoria was still battling her cancer, and ended up fighting for more than a year-and-a-half. Thankfully, by February of 2021, she received the wonderful news that she was ‘cancer-free.’ “I was ecstatic and in shock at first,” she explained. “This was such a long battle for me, and I couldn’t believe we finally got to the end of it. I had to go through so much, and to reach this point was incredible.”
Since her father was an incredible source of support, both in her battle against cancer and in her desire to become a nurse, Victoria decided to surprise him with the good news as a Valentine’s Day gift. She had him use earphones with the volume turned all the way up and challenged her father, Sheriff Barry Glosson, to read her lips. Victoria whispered “I’m cancer-free” and her father, unsure if his eyes were deceiving him, asked, “Did you have your PET scan?” Victoria nodded and smiled from behind the camera and Sheriff Glosson began cheering and jumping for joy.

He quickly ran over to his wife, Smita, and began celebrating with his arm around her. “I was overwhelmed with joy and very excited,” Glosson explained. “I saw my daughter go through the toughest battle of her life… It was so scary to watch my daughter live this nightmare. The happiness in my heart is indescribable.”
Well we got some big news yesterday! I made him put AirPods in with loud music playing and guess what I was saying😂 ***Yes the dog is okay after being punted across the room***I can’t thank everyone enough that prayed and helped me through this very difficult journey. I love you all so much❤️ we did it! 🥳 🎉🙏🏽
Posted by Victoria Glosson on Friday, February 12, 2021
Victoria is eager to put all she learned to practice and join the other health care workers on the frontline. A fighter through and through, she will be helping others face their battles against COVID-19 at the emergency department of a hospital in Greensboro.
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