Welcome to our newest blog series, “Five Questions With…” In this series, we will highlight the unsung heroes that make healthcare work. From guest services to the phlebotomist, the pet therapy volunteer, and the environmental services workers. These individuals enhance our experiences when we are getting care and highlight human connection and support. Thank you for all you do!
Today, we feature Desiree Auman. Desiree has been a patient services coordinator for over three years.
Tell us more about what you do to support patients.

In my role as a Coordinator, my job requires many hats, I schedule patients for their radiation therapies; assist CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) with scheduling needs; and make sure the patients experience goes as smoothly as possible. This may mean addressing scheduling conflicts; noticing if patients may be in need of clinical care, or honestly just being available if they need to talk to someone.
Is there one particular story that sticks out in your head about a patient you can share?
There are too many to share. I think the best one was a couple of weeks ago when one of the CHOP kids finished. She was very shy and saw my collection of Star Wars and Marvel and started talking to me. She told me she was very shy and didn’t like to talk to people. On her last day, after she rang the bell, she told her mom she wanted to give me one last hug, because I always gave her the best hugs. I think that is what it is about. Making sure you are making a difference in the adults and childrens lives. Be it with a hug or kind word.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
Wanting to give everyone, everything they need without hesitation.What is the thing you love the most about your job? I love seeing patients finishing and stopping back in to let me know how they are doing. Typically, this happens when they are coming back in for their scans and they come back downstairs and let me know they are all clear.
What is a job accomplishment that you are proud of?
When I am able to help get a patient who may be having a difficult time through treatment. That only happens if you are focused on making sure that our patients need the best healing environment possible. This may require me to take some extra time with them, to help resolve an issue.
Do you want to nominate a staff member, volunteer, co-worker, or friend for us to feature in “Five Questions With…” Go to oncolink.org/feedback and let us know!