In 2018, three-year-old Aubrey English captured the hearts of people all over the world after a video went viral of her dancing to her favorite singer, Ciara, while battling cancer.

Today, Aubrey, now six, thankfully won her fight and is now in remission!

Photo: YouTube/Good Morning America

Despite her cancer diagnosis, Aubrey remained positive and always had a smile on her face. Her mom describes her as happy and rambunctious. Even during the darkest moments, all Aubrey wanted to do was get up and dance.

Although more than three years have passed since we saw Aubrey dance to Ciara’s “Level Up,” she is still a Ciara superfan. But little did she know, Ciara had a surprise up her sleeve for her.

Photo: YouTube/Good Morning America

While the family was on Good Morning America, they were surprised with an appearance by the singer. But that wasn’t all. Ciara was so inspired by Aubrey’s positive attitude and will to fight, that she wanted to gift her a very special surprise.

After speaking with Ciara, Princess Tiana came on the screen to tell Aubrey that she couldn’t wait to see her soon. The family was all smiles when they learned that they were receiving a trip to Disney!

Photo: YouTube/Good Morning America

Little Aubrey has already gone through so much in her short life, more than some people ever will in a lifetime. Luckily, she can now relax and enjoy meeting her favorite Disney princesses in person.

Watch the heartwarming story and surprise in the video below:

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